Women’s 12-Week Weight Training Program

For women looking to grow healthier, leaner, and stronger, weight training is a great form of exercise. A 12-week workout program helps you burn calories, improve your health, and gain a lot of confidence!

You’ve probably tried all the crash diets and intense cardio sessions, but still haven’t reached your goals. If your scale isn’t budging, it’s time to consider a new approach: weight training! Building strength, muscles, and confidence is the answer you’ve been looking for.

Many women are hesitant to start lifting weights, often due to misinformation and unrealistic expectations found online. This false information keeps many women stuck in a confusing fitness journey.

A common misconception is that lifting weights will make women bulky and muscular like the Hulk. This image leads many to stick to light dumbbells and cardio, avoiding anything beyond traditional exercises.

Ladies, it’s time to lift weights and discard those false beliefs!

Workout Schedule


Workout Type

Equipment Needed


Legs & Glutes



Back & Arms



Legs & Glutes

Knee SleevesDumbbells


Chest & Shoulders

Elbow SleeveDumbbells


Legs & Arms

Knee Wraps

Sat & Sun



Workout Summary

Main Goal

Reduce Weight Without Supplements


12 Weeks

Days per Week

5 Days

Time required per Day

1 Hour

Target Gender


Workout PDF

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Monday – Legs & Glutes

Monday - Legs & Glutes

The first day of the 12-week weight training program for women is dedicated to working on the legs and glutes.

This is an important day as the legs and glutes are the largest muscles in the body, and many calories can be burned by working on them. The workout starts with a warm-up of around 10 minutes to prepare the muscles for the workout ahead.

The main exercises for the day are squats, lunges, deadlifts, and leg presses. These exercises are great for working on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. The workout is designed so that the sets and reps increase gradually every week, challenging the muscles to work harder and grow stronger.

The day ends with some cool-down stretches to help the muscles relax and recover from the workout. Remember to stay hydrated throughout the workout and maintain proper form to avoid injuries.

You can combine this exercise with a fat burner for healthy weight management. If you’re interested in incorporating a fat burner supplement into your routine, many options are available on the market, such as the DMoose Fat Burner.




Barbell Squat



Walking Lunges



Romanian Deadlifts



Leg Press



Glute Bridges



Tuesday – Back & Arms

Tuesday - Back & Arms

On Tuesday, the focus is on your back and arms. This workout targets the muscles in your upper body, helping you build strength and definition.

To start the workout, warm up with light cardio for 10-15 minutes. This can be anything from brisk walking on the treadmill to jogging or cycling. After your warm-up, start with the first exercise, the lat pulldown. This exercise targets your latissimus dorsi, the largest muscle in your back, as well as your biceps and forearms. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps, using a weight that is challenging but still allows you to maintain good form.

Next, you can move on to the dumbbell row. This exercise targets your upper back muscles and can help to improve your posture. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side, using a weight that challenges you.

After the dumbbell row, you can move on to bicep curls. This exercise targets your biceps, the muscles on the front of your upper arms. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, using a weight that challenges you but allows you to maintain good form.

The final exercise in this workout is tricep dips. This exercise targets the muscles on the back of your upper arms, helping to tone and strengthen them. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 reps, using a bench or chair to support your body weight.

Remember to stretch and cool down after your workout to help prevent injury and promote recovery. With consistency and dedication to this workout plan, you can build a strong and defined upper body.




Lat Pulldown



Dumbbell Row



Bicep Curls



Tricep Dips



Related Article: Adjustable Dumbbells: How They Are the Best Investment for Your Home Gym

Wednesday – Legs & Glutes

Glutes using Dumbbells

On Wednesday, it’s time to focus on your legs and glutes. These are the biggest muscles in your lower body, and training them properly can help improve your overall strength and balance.

The first exercise is called the goblet squat. It works on your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. You will hold a weight near your chest, squat down while keeping your back straight and chest up, and then stand up.

The Romanian deadlift is next, which targets your hamstrings and glutes. With a barbell or dumbbell, you’ll hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back straight, and then stand back up.

The dumbbell stiff leg deadlift is a variation of the Romanian deadlift that puts more emphasis on your hamstrings. Holding dumbbells in your hands, you’ll hinge forward from your hips, keeping your back straight, and then stand back up.

The Smith machine sumo squats are another great exercise focusing on your glutes. With your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, you’ll squat down, keeping your chest up and back straight, and then stand back up.

Finally, the glute kickback exercise targets your glutes specifically. Starting on all fours, you’ll lift one leg behind you, keeping it straight until your foot is level with your hips. Then, you’ll lower your leg and repeat on the other side.

Thursday – Chest & Shoulders

Thursday - Chest & Shoulders

Thursday is all about targeting your chest and shoulders; we have just the exercises for that! First up is the dumbbell bench press, which targets your chest muscles. Lying on a bench, you’ll push the dumbbells up and down in a controlled manner.

The incline dumbbell press will target your upper chest, and you’ll do this exercise at a slight incline, again using dumbbells. The machine chest fly will help you isolate your chest muscles and work on the inner part of your chest.

Moving on to your shoulders, the seated dumbbell press will work your deltoids, which are the muscles around your shoulder joint. Finally, the lateral raise will target your shoulders’ medial deltoids, which will give you those nice, rounded shoulders.

Make sure to perform each exercise with proper form and gradually increase the weight and reps as you progress through the 12-week training program.

Related Article: Weighted Dips: Ultimate Solution to Building Muscles




Dumbbell Bench Press



Incline Dumbbell Press



Machine Chest Fly



Seated Dumbbell Press



Lateral Raise



Friday – Legs & Arms

Friday - Legs & Arms

Friday’s workout is all about hitting your legs and arms. This routine includes classic compound exercises like deadlifts and good mornings, which are great for building strength and size in your legs and lower back.

You’ll also be targeting your arms with incline dumbbell curls and skull crushers, both of which are effective isolation exercises for your biceps and triceps. To help you get the most out of your leg training, leg extensions are included to isolate and target the quads. With a focus on strength and muscle building, this workout is perfect for anyone looking to build a balanced and strong physique.







Good Mornings



Leg Extensions



Incline Dumbbell Curl



Incline Skullcrusher




In conclusion, the 12-week weight training program for women is a comprehensive guide designed to help women build strength and muscle while also burning fat.

By following the program consistently, women can expect to see significant improvements in their overall fitness level and an increase in their confidence and self-esteem. Always prioritize proper form and technique to prevent injury and maximize results.

With dedication and perseverance, anyone can achieve their fitness goals and become the best version of themselves.

So, get started with the 12-week weight training program and see the positive changes in your body and mind!

What to Do After a 12-Week Weight Training Program?

After completing a 12-week training program, there are several options for what to do next. One option is to continue with the same program, increasing the weight or reps to continue challenging the muscles.

Another option is switching to a different training program focusing on different muscle groups or goals. It’s essential to take a break from intense training and give your body time to recover before starting a new program.

Additionally, incorporating active recovery activities such as yoga, swimming, or walking can help maintain fitness levels while giving the body a break from weight training.

It’s also essential to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to support continued progress and prevent injury. Whatever the next step, staying committed to regular exercise and maintaining a positive mindset will help you achieve long-term fitness goals.

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